WIOA-funded program in partnership with OhioMeansJobs|Cleveland-
Cleveland, OH, December 5, 2016 — Cuyahoga County residents have access to an accredited high school diploma and workforce training through a new online program offered by OhioMeansJobs|Cleveland-

Currently, nearly 12.9 percent of Cuyahoga County adults and 23 percent of Cleveland adults over 25 lack a high school diploma. According to a recent Cleveland Foundation study, 64 percent of Ohio jobs will require a postsecondary credential by 2020. In Cuyahoga County, only 58 percent of the population possesses this credential and that ratio decreases to 43 percent for the City of Cleveland.
“Few options exist for adults who want to reengage with their education and earn a diploma, underscoring the need for a program like Career Online High School,” said Taryn McKenzie, Executive Director of Workforce Development at Cengage. “Career Online High School offers adults a second chance at education, and opens doors to better job opportunities and a better life.”
“We are excited to be able to offer this online high school diploma and career certificate to our customers who want a better job and a better career pathway. We look forward to helping all who contact us by matching them with a job and/or career technical training,” said Grace A. Kilbane, Executive Director of the Cleveland/Cuyahoga County Workforce Development Board and OMJ|CC (pictured here with Career Online High School District Superintendent Dr. Howard Liebman).
The Cleveland/Cuyahoga County Workforce Development Board will award scholarships for Career Online High School to qualified residents 18 years and over who are looking to earn a high school diploma and advance their careers. Once enrolled, Career Online High School pairs each student with an Academic Coach, who assists with developing an individual career plan, offers ongoing guidance and encouragement, evaluates performance, and connects the learner with the resources needed to demonstrate mastery of the course material. Classes are supported by board-certified instructors and students have 24/7 access to the online learning platform.
In addition to an accredited high school diploma, graduates earn a credentialed career certificate in one of eight high-growth, high-demand career fields (across a wide spectrum from child care and education to certified transportation). Students are able to complete the program in as few as eight months by transferring in previously earned high school credits.
Career Online High School is brought to Cuyahoga County residents by OMJ|CC through federal funding from the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act and other funding.
To Learn More
Residents age 18 to 24 visit ed2go.com/omjccyouth.
Adult residents 25 and older visit ed2go.com/OMJCC.

About Career Online High School
Career Online High School was developed in 2012 through a partnership by ed2go, a division of Cengage that provides students with online continuing education and career training, and Smart Horizons Career Online Education in an effort to provide affordable, career-based online education opportunities for the millions of adults in the United States without high school diplomas. Since its launch, Career Online High School has been recognized as part of a Commitment to Action by the Clinton Global Initiative and acknowledged at the White House College Opportunity Summit. Visit careeronlinehs.org for more information.
About Cengage
Cengage is the education and technology company built for learners. The company serves the higher education, K-12, professional, library and workforce training markets worldwide. Cengage creates learning experiences that build confidence and momentum toward the future students want. The company is headquartered in Boston, MA with an office hub in San Francisco. Employees reside in nearly 40 countries with sales in more than 125 countries around the world. Visit us at www.cengage.com.
About OhioMeansJobs|Cleveland-
OMJ|CC provides qualified candidates to businesses/employers and assists job seekers in matching up with career pathways and career training opportunities. Through these efforts, over 4,200 individuals found new employment and over 600 entered career technical training last year for skills that are in-demand. Services are at no cost to businesses or individuals. Please contact Amy Emery at (216) 664-4673 for adults and Gladys McMickens at (216) 664-3352 for young adults up to age 24. OMJ|CC’s website: ohiomeansjobs.com/cuyahoga